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42 replies
  1. Gregg , Mr. Glen says:

    First and foremost, I hope the LEO's are doing well? This "little person", or "midget", or "dwarf", should be caught fairly soon… .? They, like any other crime purveyor, will talk!

  2. Richard Folkman says:

    I will stand with our law enforcement. That Omar is a worthless degenerate with no political experience or education to suggest how to restructure any part of our society. She comes from a nation that hates, Jews, Christians, and Americans and she holds to those values. How can she comment on Law Enforcement in America? Worthless. TRUMP/PENCE 20-24

  3. Ann Connery says:

    Omar is in this country illegally, because she wasn't really a member of the family she came in with. She then brought her brother in illegally by marrying him! Why is she not being prosecuted???

  4. Nice Try says:

    Omar has some nerve to say anything about what it would look like. Well they dismantled the PD in Minneapolis.
    Look at it. Here's the thing, when you ask any of them , OK so what are you going to put in place of the police . no one has an answer so what do you get? Not to mention visit Glen Becks videos on The Blaze. A very long investigation was done into Omar about her dishonesty by marrying her brother for citizenship reasons, being married to two people at one time, and papers that prove that she committed fraud on her Taxes but yet she states the system needs to be torn down on order to see who is benefiting from it. Well that was right after she deposited $879,000 into her husbands account, t who she was a mistress to before he got divorced.
    So I would say umm she's benefiting from our system by committing tax fraud, being married to two people at one time. If she lived in her country that she escaped from and did that , especially with her re legion, she would be jailed forever or be dead. They need to kick her ass right out of this country, as she tries to help turn it into the country she left. She is another George Soros funded politician.
    Look at the videos right after they did that and on for the following months. Video's of groups of young adults actually busting through a Wells Fargo Bank and no one was around. They continued to burn down businesses then all the sudden you have some of the city council members requesting the PD back as the gangs and so forth started making their way through the city and getting closer to their homes.
    Now Minneapolis has $500 Million worth of damages and had the nerve to ask Trump for emergency funding to try and put the city back in order and Trump told them NO!
    But when he visited during his campaign, he got the business owners who lost everything and did nothing to anyone, together and he vowed along with his administration to give them personal funding to help rebuild THEIR businesses. So you know that pissed Omar off.

  5. Marsha Baucom says:

    We the people know Omar you have no right to speak about anything in our country every state every city every town vote straight red in person take back your schools hold on to your Bibles go to church keep your guns keep your jobs keep your freedoms God bless the USA

  6. Marsha Baucom says:

    Austin Texas I frequent your city often and I can say I have seen a change in the last 5 years we have to stand for our law enforcement vote straight red in person hold the line for the blood that was shed for our country for our world

  7. Marsha Baucom says:

    Austin Texas you better stand up for what is right or your city is going to be burnt down to we cannot allow this Austin stand up vote red straight red in person clean up Austin Texas

  8. Marsha Baucom says:

    God bless the sheriff God bless the law enforcement God bless our military God bless our President and God bless our citizens now God I would like to bless you and thank you for all the things that you have done for our country thank you for your many blessings and for so much prosperity you have been wonderful to us and to you be the glory Amen in Jesus name

  9. Marsha Baucom says:

    Heavenly father thank you for a president that was not a politician he is not a perfect man but he is a chosen man by you and the citizens of the United States we ask you for his protection into whom have no sin cast the first stone no there is none among us that has not sinned thank you Lord for your forgiveness and for your mercy in Jesus name I pray

  10. frank bernhardt says:

    Omar is in this country illegally, because she wasn't really a member of the family she came in with. She then brought her brother in illegally by marrying him! Why is she not being prosecuted???

  11. David Wiita says:

    FILL THAT SEAT! SCOTUS Pick MUST be Confirmed and Sworn in BEFORE Election. WE, THE PEOPLE demand IT Mail-in Votes overwhelming the system make this MANDATORY. We need FULL Constitutionally Seated Court to head off any troubles. Libs hung from their own Petards!

  12. David Philippi says:

    I dont think they even need to tag along with officers to see what's real, just have them do all their normal activities but take all their security details and personnel away. Not only will it save funds but I think the message will get across as well.

  13. Zuma Zuma says:

    Defund and deport Omar back to Somalia. She wants to destroy America. Married her own brother to become a citizen than started cheating with a married man. Now is married to her lover and funneled millions from campaign donations into his business. A liar, cheater and a enemy of the US,.🇺🇸🇺🇸👮‍♂️👮‍♀️❤️💙🇺🇸

  14. United we Stand says:

    OMAR is thinking Mogadishu. Shes homesick…
    Minneapolis should be ashamed for putting her in the US House of Representatives.
    They should rename their city Little Mogadishu forevermore.

  15. Mountain Mama says:

    I can't WAIT till Omar get a taste of her own d@mned medicine. It'll come b/c people are here praying too. I don't think ppl will take this crap much longer. They threaten us for disagreeing with them and vice versa but THIS CRAP is a whole new ballgame. I had a bit of cop trouble in my life for nothing also, but we can't get rid of our police. Makes NO sense. In this case, like "I" never seen b4, I say…a few bad apples are there but they don't spoil the BUNCH.

  16. satchelSCROLL says:

    America’s law enforcement shouldn’t have assaulted the bill of rights and constitution! Ask this oath breaker about civil asset forfeiture. OAN being fake news is disgusting.

  17. Godzilla says:

    Time for law enforcement to start a war against all terrorists, which includes the Antifa and the BLM and eliminate them from any more terrorist attacks on law enforcement!


    I firmly believe that the BLM was behind the Compton Ambush. BLM Thugs were at the hospital entrance with in 20 minutes of the shooting. I'd venture to say they had people at the scene watching what went down and that's how they got the protesters to the hospital in short order

  19. MOW DADDY says:

    Sheriff I'm sure you're all right individual, but like a lot of my clients who wear badges. They all tell me no one has your back! Especially the governor! They allow you guys to get away with murder literally. With all the bad people out there it makes it easy for cops to do the things they criticize you for. Understand this I stand with Jesus Christ! And most of the laws of this land do not! The governor down in Austin definitely does not stand with Jesus Christ! You see, as long as the lazy ones are allowed to get away with things. We can't trust you! That's sad, most of all to have you enforce laws that are based on lies. They serve some Lobby group. My mother was a special deputy appointed by judge ta Vines. The governor's Hometown Police Department, refused absolutely refused to help my brain damage mother! Because of them I will never trust another cop as long as day as I live! My mom was a very nice person, she died unnecessarily with meth dealers over-running her home! So as long as some of you people serve the Antichrist if not Satan himself I can't trust you people I love my mother1‼‼‼😭

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