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36 replies
  1. Bill Daniels says:

    Fraud will steal the election this time I think but we shall see if Biden gets in there with this fraud you can kiss this country good bye because we will be in communism in a year's time we'll all give fifty per cent to them if there nice to us and do what they say because there won't be enough of us that will go to war with them I'm in if you are


    The United States of America is in trouble. You have President Trump trying to bring back integrity to Politics( I know alot of you out there disagree with this statement) and he has people in his own Cabinet NOT working to support his agenda. YES! He should probably CLEAN HOUSE appoint new cabinet members AFTER vetting them FEROUSISLY!!!

  3. Earl of Mar says:

    This is an EXCELLENT video. This Color Revolution is a Marxist plot to over-throw our govt. The term "Color Revolution", applies to using racially charged issues to cause violent racial riots and the destruction of cities. Look at Detroit. Prime example. Used to be on of the 7th Wonders of the World. It still hasn't recovered from the race riots of the 1960's.

  4. Fred Lenway says:

    well I guess the truth is out about anonymous.
    a low life nothing that knew nothing had no connections just got all of the democracy suckered them in by my book.
    well you all got taken advantage of y'all got used no refund on the book.
    there's one good thing you can use to book for firestarter

  5. Dovar says:

    Excessive pluralism.
    Some worldviews ought to be forbidden and spreading of them to be heavily punished, what should be written in the Constitution – McCarthy and Hoover were right: American Nation was infiltrated by Soviet and international marxists/communists/socialists in years following the end of the Second World War, what became visible in the 1968 and is more and more to this day – subversion of culture, morality, ethics, destruction of trust in public and private authorities, propagating sexual degeneracy and push for overtaxation, which is a form of theft and tyranny, infiltration of media, education, politics.
    The great division it created will most likely cause another Civil War – a great conflict between the conservative people and the degenerate neomarxist elite, backed by the genocidal globalists and brainwashed populace of the large cities.
    Support of the most of the military will most likely decide the result.

  6. Silvertip1958 says:

    Close all three letter gov agencies that require secrecy and masking, then start again with a long chain of checks and balances that go as far as making it to the national voting booth to put these people in place. Screw a bunch of secret lying- spying organization’s.

  7. Nathan Reed says:

    The communists may have military brass but Trump has the full support of the military people and the American people. Trump will stomp out the terrorists the minute they rise up. The Trump team is fully aware and prepared for the terrorists.

  8. 70 Roadrunner says:

    President Trump should not just fire some people but delete the FBI and CIA entirely.. Fold the FBI duties into the US Marshals Service and the CIA into Military Intelligence and the NSA.. Eliminating the CFR, BLM, BATFE would also be a good idea..

  9. Mike Burke says:

    The deep state is deep but being drained and what we are seeing is very ugly. The dark water is receding and we are WITNESSING an unprecedant time in history in America.

  10. Robert Rickett says:

    The boy was looking for his 15 minutes of fame, I hope future employers remember his actions. He should find working in his chosen field nearly impossible, maybe he'll do better as a waiter.

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