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21 replies
  1. Brian Husted says:

    Subversives never stop working to cause division and discontent. When you have the people distracted, that is the time chosen to steal and give more power to the government that you sit on. Building a powereful and iron fisted government is best done by convincing people they need protection from themselves and that only big government can protect you from the criminals. Violent Crime is the friend and tool of the subversive. It is used to convince people that they should allow stricter government laws on speach, and gun control. Ultimately, they convince the people they will be safer if all guns are confiscated. Then the subversive has reached the most prized goal. Now the government is free to become a totalitarian regime. Only the government has rights and can do anything it wants with or to its people – be it slave labor camps or genocide. After all, who will stop them? Unarmed citzens? History is all the evidence you need, that is why subversives want to change and destroy history too. Are you going to let them do this?

  2. Great White North says:

    Some elites bet a dollar to see if they can make the masses dance, to have the numbnuts of the planet say and do anything the main stream media puts out there. It's not politically correct to be a man or a woman. Logic is not as common as it use to be. Brainwashed beyond oblivion.

  3. LIZARD909ALIEN says:

    It's not just the political left, the political right up holds the same decisions through the same process through the same courts not always in the same district I lived through it myself

  4. Katies Korner says:

    Take a look at who these Globalists have targeted. Christian Nations. What did they do? First they highjacked the food our young men and women need to grow strong and reproduce, protect. The pesticides they use , such as Atrozine, take away a young mans choice to be what he was born as, a boy and then a man, who will protect this Nation, his community and his family. Why has their been an INSANE spike in gender dysphoria? Now that they have a couple of generations eating these toxins, they are now publically demonizing men , fathers etc. There is a REASON for alll this choas and confusion. The Nazi's, heck even our own government, have a history of poisoning their own people INTENTIONALLY. They did it in California years ago. Then they experiment with cures….cures they will charge you for. These Marxists have upped their game and targeted our future Defenders. …our sons.

  5. Diamond Lou says:

    Not to mention how many boys not men ,are being taught to hate themselves. This is a sickness. Maybe we need to look into Psyche wards again. Not just counseling … obviously counseling isn’t working … since it seems every one has a shrink these days.

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