
Most Americans accept Republicans as the red party but for most of our history, Republicans have been known as the blue party. One America’s Christina Bobb spoke to Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch for more on the party color switch.

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41 replies
  1. Saviour Soul says:

    Blue as in blue humor, blue comedy = indecent, obscene, risqué, dirty, taboo. Everything the liberals stand for.
    Like what was found on Hunter Biden’s laptop. Truth hidden in plain sight….

  2. SpaMama39 Conway says:

    I am tired of conservatives/Republicans ALWAYS ceding to the Left. I agree– the Right is TRUE BLUE. And the Left redefined "gay," "pride," "marriage," "racism," etc etc. to mean things that they NEVER MEANT. I want Republicans to get spines like President Trump and take back the Blue!

  3. michaelbizon444 says:

    Your news bite missed the whole point! The Republicans took the Red and made it ours! We were told to re-brand red and we did. Sara Palin rally in 08 and every one was rearing red shirts and hats. The left lost, and now it's history. Just like Deplorables we made it a rally point.

  4. L R says:

    That is proof enough of the influence the MSM has with the people. This clearly means they should also be held accountable for lies being stated to steer the voters vote/election. The media platform such as facebook/twitter are not the only ones guilty.

  5. Donald Cook says:

    Such was the case with "liberal"; before FDR liberals were rugged individualists and conservative. Then the democrats hijacked the term, possibly to steal votes and the election. Prior to FDR the term "progressive" had bad connotations and history. And this tactic is still used today. A rose by any other name…

  6. Theresa Sundwall says:

    I was trying to figure out why Trump was wearing a red tie at the debates & Biden in blue. I couldn't put my finger on it, but thought something was very off. Thx for this (seemingly trivial, yet party of History) report!!

  7. Ordinary Mo says:

    I did not vote for the person, I voted for the platform. I voted for the second Amendment. I voted for the next supreme court justice. I voted for the electoral college, and the Republic that we live in. I voted for the Police, and law and order. I voted for the military, and the veterans who fought for and died for this Country. I voted for the Flag that is always missing from the Democratic background.
    I voted for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I voted for secure borders. I voted for the farmers. I voted for the right to praise my God without fear. I voted for our children to receive a proper education instead of indoctrination. I voted for every unborn soul that the Democraps wants to abort. I voted for the right to keep my Doctor and the right to choose my own health care plan. I voted for freedom and the American Dream. I voted for good and against evil. I voted for the future of my Country.
    I voted early, I voted in person and I voted a straight red ticket. If anyone sees me as an idiot for voting for Trump then that's their problem, not mine.

  8. MagicHawkeye says:


    I’ve been noticing lately that President Trump has started wearing a blue tie, from time to time, to some of his rallies; had exclusively been a red tie before.

  9. E. R says:

    Does anyone else find 'do you want to see more videos like this?' at the end of each video extremely annoying? I unsubscribed for a while because of how annoying that guy is lol.

  10. Ed Schoenstein says:

    Given all of the other malfeasance I would say the color switch was done deliberately. These days being conservative is revolutionary!!! However, Trump should switch it back to blue.

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