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47 replies
  1. doliverelliott says:

    Not a conspiracy, Soros is banned from 6 countries. Black bag this criminal and drop him on Putin’s door step under one condition. When they interrogate and break this Sabbatean monster, they video it and put on You Tube so the rest of them know they are next. Rockerschildbuffegates.

  2. Barry Cellan says:

    Why hasn't he been arrested? All this reporting is great but we want action. We don't care about name calling. They can try to brain wash with their propoganda it's not working for anyone who is awake.
    All this feels like first grade.
    We are aware that the evil sleezy forces in the world want to belittle wholesome, clean, God loving, God fearing, family oriented, (not sexual orientation) but achievers.

  3. Debbie Scott says:

    So the fake news media and the Socialist Dems who let their people get away with REAL Jewish hatred and refuse to even name the Jewish haters in their own party are the biggest Hypocrites of the world. So I don't give a dam what they want to call me or anyone who calls out George Soros for the evil disgusting piece of crap he is will Not stop me from doing so. I will keep telling everyone about the monster George Soros. In my opinion he's not even part of the human race anymore. He's pure evil.

  4. Craig Anderson says:

    Americans are going to have to get some balls~!
    We are not racists, for we have fought anyone of all religions and colors that have started any kind of trouble in all corners of the world and we've never asked why~!
    But let them be right here in our own country and we have everyone crying racists, or some phobia or other, fu*k that this just means they are part of the problem and not the solution.

  5. Jedi Master Matme Ketchi says:

    Let's begin with George Soros early years of growing up…Collaborating with the NAZI's and the SS during WW2 were he openly admits to profiteering turning in Jews then stealing their property for the NAZI's , which paid him to do so. He has admitted it in Video interviews and speaks of it with great pride. Why he wasn't tried for war crimes long before his reign of terror here in the U.S. is way beyond me !

  6. Roush Entertainment says:

    I have said it for a long time! Treasonous Socialist Demorat George Soros is funding the Anarchy in the USA through the militant arm of the Treasonous Socialist Demorats Antifa and BLM. He also funded the caravans through Mexico! He is banned from Eastern Europe and Malaysia. Why do we allow him here in the USA? This is because he is funding Treasonous Socialist Demorats running for office!!! Follow the money it all flows back to the Treasonous Socialist Demorat George Soros!
    By the way he sold out the Jews! That is how he got rich!

  7. Ferria says:

    Pray for this country. If they can't get an official winner in November you will have Pelosi as head of this country and guarantee she will push every left wing project through. GOD HELP US!!

  8. Brian Ramsey says:

    George Soros committed Holocaust war crimes on behalf of the nazis. Rather than feeling remorse, he enjoyed those acts. Just because he is Jewish doesn't mean that he isn't a psychopath.

  9. MsBizzyGurl says:

    People need to stand up to name calling. Soros is a meddler on behalf of the globalist 1%. That Fox media refused to allow Newt Gingrich his opinion tells everyone how deep Georgie's pocket is.

  10. Mike Kelly says:

    If our government would put their Balls on, this fat bastard would be in Guantanamo, and his billions of dollars would be used to rebuild OUR Country and to arrest Aunt Tifa and all those other idiots. Maybe street justice is the answer, let’s see there’s only one of him and millions of us. 🇺🇸 Let’s Roll 🇺🇸

  11. Jeff donovan says:

    It is also obvious to real, obedient believers in the Word of God that he is an apostate Jew; he doesn't even attempt to walk in the faith of Abraham nor in the Tenakh. I don't envy his fate when he faces the Messiah and gives an account for his life; he'll experience the horror of hearing the dreaded words "Depart from Me" and see Him point to His left. The tragedy is knowing how Mr. Soros could have been used by the Almighty if he had been properly raised in the knowledge of the Scriptures ! How sad.

  12. Glenn Paul Gibson says:

    He appears to he untouchable …. we know he causes trouble but has he broken any laws? What would stick to this guy? We need a smoking gun ! In a way Soros and the company he keeps o rich he owns the justice

  13. R W Van Dyke says:

    But lets ask ourselves a very serious question; why didn't the CIA put out a hit on him; especially after he paid Latinas to attempt an invasion of our country! I would have done the job if they told me where he was!!!!

  14. bad bob says:

    The problem is voters don't look at who they are voting for and don't think about the consequences. Chicago has the DA by the name of Kim Foxx. George Soros financed her campaign. She is

    far left and allows criminals to go free and stops cops from doing their jobs. The results are high crime and a high shooting death toll. Normal people are hurt and people like you have their jobs and business's destroyed. San Francisco , St louis and about 35 other cities are facing the same problem. Your vote has a direct impact on your life now more than ever.

    The goal is to create chaos to destroy the country.

  15. Andre Bloom says:

    Soros nearly broke the UK, he funds anarchy and he eats little children… that's how the narrative gets sold… take the attention off two truths by adding one big lie… I'm not 100% certain but I really think that even this evil oxygen thief does NOT eat little children.

  16. Sandra L. Moralez says:

    I love that he called it a slimy tactic so come on do not be bad down by things like this we cannot afford to we have got to speak out if people call us racist let him call us racist that's their definition not ours stand up wake up

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