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30 replies
  1. J. M. says:

    We'll never know the truth, but I guarantee you that Basement Joe's speech was pre-recorded so all the gaffes could be edited out and pieced together. WAKE UP AMERICA! IF THEY CAN RIOT, GO TO WALMART, GO TO THE BEACH; YOU CAN VOTE IN PERSON! PERIOD. NO TO MAIL IN VOTING!

  2. CLINTON JONES says:

    Good Job, LIZ
    …you are playing their game, their way
    you are a bully, attacking them for their beliefs (as yet undefined)
    you argue with specific counterpoints to their generalized beliefs
    …most 'voters' think that the government is structured to protect and serve the public trust (generally speaking)
    …All the DEMS have ever wanted to do was make everyone (and no one) happy and comfortable (generally speaking)
    …The DEMS really, really care (generally speaking)
    any questioning of that intent is seen as bullying and mean spirited (generally speaking)
    any specifics will be labeled 'Evil' and 'Mean Spirited' (generally speaking)
    They know things that are not so
    They believe in things that no one understands and we all suffer for their conceit

  3. david shanks says:

    “I will be an ally of the light,,,”
    Where did Biden get this from. It is a quote from an opening prayer used by a secret organization the targets pedophiles. I’m not going to say anymore about them because they can get to anybody. Anybody wanna know who killed Epstein.

  4. Eighth Man says:

    There he goes again. No, Joe you got it backwards again. Light is good, darkness is bad, you and Hillary and the Barackensesses are the darkness. OK now Joe, back to your spider hole…..No Joe, that was a metaphor, that man is dead now. OK, then, there's a good…man, everything will be alright, yes, yes.

  5. jklo6677 says:

    Biden is your typical narcissistic moron . they tell everybody they come in contact with whatever they want to hear to pacify them. Hmm… What could go wrong with that?

  6. Dinky says:

    OANN is an arm of the Russian Secret Police. Just because they broadcast stuff designed to reinforce your views, be careful not to betray the U.S.

  7. Max Soon says:

    There is no rain on Biden's head. (Blessing). Constant heat wave on his head wherever he go (under a cursed). There is no blessing or favors.

  8. Stephen H says:

    GUILT is BEing Used Against the Moral by the Immoral

    GUILT is an Emotion Rooted in Morals.

    The Accusation of Morality against USA implies that the "Accuser" is Morally Justified and Stands For – Existence of Fairness / Equity and Ultimately God.

    For a god-Less Entity / Group / Ideology like ANTIFA / BLM / Marxism to Use or Hold the "Original Sin" Guilt against the USA is Acknowledging God Exists.

    The World is Fighting Against Ideologies who are god-Less and have No Moral Compass

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