If someone tells you your thoughts or prayers don’t matter- which is usually someone who has never actually prayed- don’t listen to them. Your prayers do matter. Even if it’s across the world or country for someone else’s community or family. Because God is listening, and blessing, everyday; especially when we ask.

Continue to pray your sincere prayers; even if you have little faith in prayer, pray anyway. Even if it’s in public or on social media and you feel prompted to share your prayer, share it. The only opinion that ultimately matters, is God’s.

Prayer is the ultimate forms of power that bridges the gap between heaven and earth. Prayer softens hearts and opens minds. Prayer helps bring power and peace to individuals and families whether they know it or can recognize it.

Anytime I am having a really hard time in life, I pray. Anytime everything is going almost too smoothly in life, I pray. When I see someone’s life turn upside down, whether I know them or not, I try to remember to say a prayer for them.

I believe in prayer and know it works. I don’t know where I would be in my life without prayer. I thank God for prayer. I think we could use a lot more of it in the world. We need it.