
A new poll found thousands of doctors around the world have agreed that hydroxychloroquine is the best treatment for the coronavirus. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.

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49 replies
  1. Maria Silva says:

    Democrats are evil…population control so that they can erase all their victims and continue to reign in their states and possibly reign control in other nations….sick and evil satanists people ….they want a small amount of people on earth to restart their control, and it is easier for them to control those who are under medication Medicare program…it's not a conspiracy theory it's what they want to accomplish….they control the land which they have not fought in war to protect but they want it for free and to retain their power over the population….POTUS is working along with our military to stop this from happening ….may God be with them and the Holy spirit to bless them as they fight this evil …

  2. steve ryan says:

    Our POS governor in California, doesn't want to see this happen, because it gives the people to much hope … he and his F$&*ing Aunty Nancy, lose the power, if this actually is working, God help us !!!

  3. Lucy Hill says:

    Meanwhile ….. the WHO is TRYING with great Desperateness to push "Vaccines" …
    Bill Gates OWNS the "Patent" on Corona…. AND is a Promoter of DE-Population

  4. Matthew S. says:

    The French are no longer backing hydroxychloroquine but you conveniently left that out of your "in-depth" analysis.

    This drug is manufactured by a company that's been heavily invested in by yours truly: Donald Trump. It's not effective in treating the virus and we all now know why it's being pushed by non-medical professionals. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  5. Michael says:

    The best part of this report is that I hope all of you run out and take this stuff and it kills you all. THAT would be making America great again

  6. Deanna DeLaura says:

    It must be the cure, as the cabal had the manufacturers of the drug, murdered in their homes, billionaires in Canada! Google it, the article is there, this occurred last year as they were planning this man made virus.

  7. Smith Smith says:

    I bet all of you are eating your words now since the newest studies show it is in fact NOT beneficial at all and caused more deaths of vets treated with the drug compared to those that were not treated with it. When was the last time trump mentioned his miracle cure again?

  8. Bill Goode says:

    No natural cures allowed. Only more drugs from the pharmaceutical industry are recognized. Of course alkalines, such as baking soda and apple cider vinegar, as well as Vitamin C and Hydrogen Peroxide, along with heat from heating pads have all demonstrated effectiveness against viruses. However, we must continue supporting the pharmaceutical industry, so OAN promotes Hydroxychloroquine. No natural solutions for OAN, just drugs.

  9. Esteban Gomez says:

    For the record: You dont need any evidence it is actually such a simple concept that you would be expected to understand it before they give you a Bachelor's of Science. SARS-CoV-2 is a cold virus. Scientists find it interesting because it is a new kind of coronavirus (there are over 40, only 5 are pathogenic), and the general public and many doctors are mistaking scientific "interest" for "alarm". There have already been reports that the virus has mutated to a NON-symptomatic type, which is common for coronaviruses. This is indicative of "herd" immunity and it has happened pretty quickly.

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