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39 replies
  1. Bo H says:

    .Please pray for Trump. I so hope all my brothers and sisters did not fight and die for nothing for the entire left wing bullshit represents nothing when it comes to American Values that we hold so dear in our hearts. If biden truly wins and the crazies take over I have no idea where will can move that remains free. Combat Veterans are those who fought and or died to protect their rights to remain a jackass! But dear God I pray they never ever gain control. Sua Sponte. SSG.Bo.Retired. I had to post yet I do not like Fox news anymore to much soros and zuckerburg money was excepted by the morning and day time news people. The night people seem to still be ok. We will see.

  2. Michael Taylor says:

    Have you noticed the extent of the con? 🙄

    They've made up 'The Office Of President-Elect' 😄…

    And there's not even a President-Elect yet, let alone an 'office' thereof. 😄

    It's all make-believe B.S. (Biden Speak)! 😄

    It's so laughable! 😄

    Enjoy The Show

  3. Michael Taylor says:

    Biden ISN'T President-Elect.

    • Biden calling himself President-Elect doesn't make it so.

    • The 'Mainstream' Media 'News' calling him President-Elect doesn't make it so.

    • Foreign governments calling him President-Elect doesn't make it so.

    • Not one State has yet to certify a winner for their State; & of course, the election hasn't happened yet…

    • And there's prophecy stating President Trump will serve 2 terms*…

    So, calling Biden President-Elect is a lie no matter how you look at it.

    * = YHWH God actually stated in 2007, via His prophet, Kim Clement, that Donald Trump would become President & serve 2 terms; so Biden won't be elected; rather, President Trump will be re-elected in December & serve a second term (if not for this prophecy, then I would merely state that nobody knows who will be elected in December; but, since there is prophecy, I state that President Trump will be re-elected**).

    ** = The U.S. Election PROCESS begins in November with a popular vote that serves two purposes: it decides the make-up of the Electoral College; & it serves as a public opinion poll for the selected Electoral College to consider; in December the Electors of the chosen Electoral College then elect a candidate to be President for the next 4-year term (which starts in January of the following year).

    Only at this point, upon the election in December is there a 'President-Elect.'

    P.S.: The Press/Media has for decades assumed a role that doesn't exist officially: to project (GUESS) who the winner MIGHT be.

    They don't always guess right (Dewey & Gore for example).

    The Press/Media's post-vote guess is meaningless in regards to the actual outcome of the vote, or the election. It's pre-vote & concurrent-with-voting guesses are both disruptive & influencial, & they know it: they try hard to sway the public.

    But this time around the Press/Media are trying to hard-sell a lie to We The People & We ain't buying it!

  4. Chona Figuerres says:

    fake news is sickening. the bias is so obvious. there is no truth being reported anymore.these networks..cnn, msnbc,abc, cbs, fox are all disgusting. whatever happened to honest,impartial, true reporting and journalism.

  5. 4WorldPeace2 says:

    Fair elections are not those elections where dead people vote and their votes are counted, where boxes, boxes, and more boxes of ballots arrive after the polls are closed, and where the election poll workers make any marks onto the voter's individual ballots.
    A smart person should make the act of voting really difficult to cheat at since voting is promised to us under our Constitution and is a sacred right.
    If Biden actually loses the election then how will the Democrat Party and the Democrat endorsed Press appear to the American voters and to the public; will they be legitimized or ill-legitimized?

  6. Guy Baldwin says:

    Call Fox News at 188 83694762 ask Tucker Carlson Sean Hannity Laura Ingraham . Judge Jeanine to join us over on one America news where the truth is told and not stoled.

  7. Toni O. says:

    🚨 This is a fake post promoted by Russian Troll Farms! Their goal is to use false information to undermine the U.S. election and Americans sense of trust. They post video that is obscure and misleading. The posts have thousands of views upon initial loading because they hack the page and Russian bots create the fake views. Hundreds of comments in favor of one candidate (Trump) with fake likes are loaded in by one individual with the help of bots. There are few comments after an initial post.

  8. Long Yoa says:

    The man who gave up his lavish and luxurious lifestyle and endured being ridiculed and smeared by the media to save America 🇺🇸.

    Joe Biden’s political Career by year:

    1973 Biden enters politics




    1977 Biden fights to keep schools segregated because “allowing blacks to integrate would create a racial jungle”






    1983 Biden taxes SS





    1988 Ran for president but had to end it after getting busted for plagiarism


    1990 C’mon man, almost there



    1993 Biden taxes SS again

    1994 Biden writes the stop and frisk law which is what African Americans blame for systemic racism today



    1997 Almost, not yet because y’know the thing











    2008 Calls Obama the first articulate and clean mainstream African American












    2020 and now he’s ready to “FIX” the Country.

    Imagine being so dumb that you think the guy in office for 4 years is the problem and the guy in office for 47 YEARS is the solution
    If you know anything about programming, there's no such thing as a software glitch, it has to deliberately be done.

    These Democrats will do anything to steal this election. Trump is not stupid, he's learned the art of war, they have woken up a sleeping Giant.

    This will be the best Christmas 🎄 of the year.

    It’s not over. Trump’s not going anywhere. Dead voters and computer glitches don’t count as votes—or incomplete ballots that only voted for Biden. If Dems think they won, I’d like to see how many of them are willing to fight for it. We’re all equal — so I have no problem with killing them in war. Instead, they rely on CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News and Facebook and Twitter to fact-check….when all of the people in cable news and social media know that those people are dumbf****.

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