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35 replies
  1. Liam Connolly says:

    From an outsider looking in (I'm from ireland) over the last few months I've seen so many Democrats turn Republicans but not a single Republican turn Democrat that sure say alot don't yous think?

  2. Bo H says:

    GO TRUMP TEAM. Please pray for Trump. I so hope all my brothers and sisters did not fight and die for nothing for the entire left wing bullshit represents nothing when it comes to American Values that we hold so dear in our hearts. If biden truly wins and the crazies take over I have no idea where will can move that remains free. Combat Veterans are those who fought and or died to protect their rights to remain a jackass! But dear God I pray they never ever gain control. Sua Sponte. SSG.Bo.Retired. I had to post yet I do not like Fox news anymore to much soros and zuckerburg money was excepted by the morning and day time news people. The night people seem to still be ok. We will see.

  3. Morning Star says:

    And mainstream media is covering this up daily how are they not all being charged under Rico at the “very least “as they like to put it on fisa applications…. they act shocked this has been how elections went from day one. They just never thought an outsider would get in and expose them all…

  4. Boot- camp21 says:

    Account suspended on twitter after putting out message that his father will put out incriminating evidence tonight about voter fraud and prominent politicians

  5. defenestrationfan says:

    The Clintons and the Bidens better start looking for a country that has no extradition to the USA – maybe France? Hey they could hang out with Roman Polanski – Bill, Roman and Creepy Joe all have a point of interest in common!

  6. RED SPARKS 73 says:

    Trump will be President. GUARANTEED
    Democrats have been telling us they are willing to win this election BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY
    for a long time.
    Trump administration was prepared

  7. chell says:

    Let's not forget the CCP is so vested in all of this. Trump is in the way of China dream 2025. Trump called them out on mishandling of the covid 19 from its source. The mainstream media mob switched the narrative to Trump's covid 19. Huawei ceo (daughter of someone who has close dealings with the CCP) is currently under custody in Canada upon US request. The elites, the oligarchs, big techs giants, corporate America many have interests in China. There are forces behind all the Trump oust. Go figure…

  8. Josh 2694 says:

    Let's not forget we can decide who makes or breaks it.. stop watching MSM.. unsubscribe from their channels. If they have no viewers they get no money. Unlike the left we don't need to burn down buildings we can do it metaphorically by not contributing to their success

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