
After Hours catches up with Jenna Ellis — a constitutional law attorney and the senior legal adviser for the 2020 Trump campaign – to help us understand what comes next in the re-election effort.

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44 replies
  1. Windy Day says:

    Just won’t load. Neither does Lifesite News or Jenine Porto, but CNN loads easily. Scary times. DONT STOP PRAYING – this is so much bigger than Big Tech

  2. Constabul says:

    YouTube users on Wednesday in multiple regions around the world were encountered issues in playing videos on the site.
    The site’s TeamYouTube account acknowledged the issues in a Twitter post. “If you’re having trouble watching videos on YouTube right now, you’re not alone – our team is aware of the issue and working on a fix. We’ll follow up here with any updates,” it tweeted.
    According to monitoring site DownDetector, user-reported YouTube problems spiked at around 7 p.m. ET. The issues appeared most acute in the Northeast U.S. and Western Europe, as well as in Mexico, Australia and South America.

  3. PeekaPeep says:

    Oh, NOW Google wants to act like they didn't black out THE ENTIRE online global community for a good half-hour! Sorry, not buyin' it one bit. Never did, NEVER WILL.

  4. K. KTM says:

    I think YouTube is sensorineural anything related to the election!
    People are communicating here on YouTube platform and now they’ve shut down things!

  5. Purplefish G says:

    Watch Saturday the “March for Trump”or attend if you can. you won’t have to worry about violence, vandalism and looting from US REPUBLICANS.
    ALSO.. a TRUCKERS “shut em down” protest in honor of an honest election next Wednesday 51k truckers. Without truckers we don’t have a country. Trump 2020!!

  6. Tellit likeitis says:

    come on Jenna. you got to spell out the whole picture.
    if Donald Trump doesn't win this outright and he may but if he can prove substantial voter fraud to the supreme Court okay.
    the supreme Court can should and hopefully will say okay this holds election has been so convoluted we're going to take and invoke the 12th amendment.
    no all you constitutional scholars know exactly what I'm talking about those of us the majority of us that didn't know what it means I'm going to give you a fill in real quick.
    ascended back to yeah I know the House of Representatives they get to pick the president are you Republicans are thinking oh s*** that sucks.
    but wait there's a strange caveat to this, God I love it.
    okay so the House of Representatives gets to vote for who's the president right here's the caveat.
    we have 30 states that are Republican in the House Representatives the Democrats have 20.
    okay ready each state gets one vote
    I'm going to say that again each state gets one vote 30 to 20 for the Republicans.
    That's the law that's the Constitution.
    what a magnificent document and the Democrats want to shred that thing no wonder.
    is actually happened twice in our history 1801 1834 I think it was 1824 maybe.
    go look this up go read it and read the layman definitions and so on.
    I love the USA I love the founders I love the Constitution
    happy reading good night

  7. Mario Medina says:

    "Ours was the first revolution in the history of mankind that truly reversed the course of government, and with three little words: "We the People." "We the People" tell the government what to do; it doesn't tell us. "We the People" are the driver; the government is the car, and we decide where it should go, and by what route, and how fast. Almost all the world's constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are. Our Constitution is a document in which "We the People" tell the government what it is allowed to do. "We the People" are free". ~Peter Nayland Kust

  8. cruisersism says:

    President Trump's attorneys need to fight on behalf of the 70 Million voters, not for the President. That way they are fighting for the American people's concerns, and then that way they can't dismiss it and call the president a sore looser!!! We need to be smart here, this is the people's right to a fair election…….

  9. Sunny says:

    Notice the fake news MSM's narrative doesn't seem to be getting any kind of traction with the American people? Brilliant strategy by the Trump team. Drip, drip, drip. All about Electoral process INTEGRITY. No way the MSM and Dems dare dispute that. This keeps the fake news MSM and Dems on their toes, nervous, and on defense and the Trump team controlling the narrative and public opinion.

  10. Ian Moore says:

    In the UK its all done on Paper… you show ID you make your vote… the votes are Watched by observers 1 observer for 2 counters. ….. in Pen… no pencils.
    A recount is a good idea… and a check of validity of ballots.

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