
House Democrats are pushing to impeach President Trump based on his Ukraine policies, which included the firing of an American ambassador. However, Ukrainians had demanded the ambassador’s recall long before the president made his decision. One America’s Neil W. McCabe has more from Washington D.C.

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47 replies
  1. K P says:

    Un Fing believable. Obama infiltrated every aspect of our government with the communist agenda. These people are serious about taking over the world. We need to get serious about keeping our god given freedoms

  2. Donald Ronk says:

    The arrogance of some U.S. diplomats. Why sign treaties and we are expected to be be fair and reasonable with other nations. Then to pull this crap? No wonder we aren't welcomed.

  3. Martin Phillips says:

    The American ambassador is representing one ☝️ person , the president of the United States 🇺🇸
    No one else. If it was a safe Territory than he or she would not need a stand in. That the purpose no other reason.

  4. mweedy1dad says:

    And in other newsThe Chicago School board has finally announced that they will not be naming a elementary school after Obama because they figured they don't want kids to go there for eight years and absolutely do nothing thank you President Trump for making America great again and safe from these radical left skinhead Democrats

  5. Pete A says:

    The more we learn about this GD Obama holdover ambassador, the more justified Trump's decision to fire that bitch. No wonder "Shifty" was salivating to have her testify in his secret SKIF. She would not contribute anything positive about Trump which is what the left wants for their one-sided political impeachment hoax.

  6. rick hayden says:

    such a non issue. the prez, any prez, is in charge and can remove anyone at any time for any reason or no reason. other counties, including us, do not get to select who their ambassador will be.

  7. Maegan Kafka says:

    Why are there ANY obumer administration Hold Over in the first place!!!??? Someone Please tell President Trump to emedatlly REMOVE ALL HOLD OVERS 20 TIERS DOWN FROM ANY PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION AT ONCE. AND THAT GOES FOR ANY ALPHABET GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY AS WELL!!!
    C' MON MAAAANNNNN!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Keith Shelley says:

    Amen! Enough said.The world only respected Obama and company because he was The POTUS.They never respected his policies nor leftist agenda.They respect Nationalism and Power.We would be no good to them if we were a weak nation.

  9. Nancy Phillips says:

    Comcast-NBC won't add One America news to its lineup. Clintons own a ton of Comcast-NBC stock. You can go to OANN.COM Facebook page and join up & stream their news feed & other videos that are uploaded daily.

  10. blue gravity says:

    Obama is already a fungus on our American history. Not a good president. Way too many mistakes that made us suffer and seems we are still cleaning his mess.

  11. Amanda McKay says:

    These comments are filled with some of the most disgusting trash. I didn’t think there was a more hateful group of people than the fox fans. I was wrong. You people make me embarrassed to be part of the human race.

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