
As violent protesters continue rioting in the streets across the nation, more innocent Americans are losing their lives. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more on how the Black Lives Matter movement is actually causing massive harm to the black community.

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50 replies
  1. Bob says:

    "Open fire on his (STOLEN) jeep" … try harder. Dont be subtly deceptive like The "MSM"
    Ohwait youretrying to be the new "MSM"…

  2. Terry King says:

    Everyone with some common sense knows that, BLM has never been about black lives. George "Fraud" death has been used as a ploy to get their movement started because they had the hearts and minds of people at the time but no more. It's all political and they're hoping to take down Trump with the help of dumb Dems pior to the election but it's having the opposite effect..

  3. B. K. says:

    It doesn't fit their narrative , they don't really care about violence against black folks .. They're aim is to change the laws , so that criminals can avoid arrest and run away free . period

  4. Patrick 01 says:

    $25 ride in a lifted pickup truck once around the block in portland 1 paintball gun full hopper of paintballs and if you want a can of bear spray all precedes donated to portland PD

  5. Krypton853 says:

    That's the biggest question no Black Lives Matter protester cannot answer cause they don't have one. Talking to a BLM protester Is like talking to a brick wall. If one confronts they will give you nothing but a gibberish remark. Thanks to BLM a lot of Black ppl are becoming Trump supporters

  6. Michael C says:

    Funny how BLMs doing was the cause of 10 times as many killing to black people as had innocent police killings on black people. Quit saying you care about black lives. Bc its really that you hate white people and want to get any chance you can to attack us. You're just acting as if its bc you care about black people. Hypocrites.

  7. Jack Jones says:

    God help us all. If these anarchists are not held accountable the lawless left will turn the entire nation into this madness, or they will create a full police state to subdue everyone.

  8. Mustang .308 says:

    America needs to ask …. "Why is a military officer, a police officer, a fireman, an EMT…. held liable for DERELICTION OF DUTY…. When mayors, governors and congressmen/women are allowed to be derelict for political reasons? Yes. They belong in jail. They were elected and took OATHS when sworn into office ….. Breaking the OATH OF OFFICE, is punishable under law.. At very least, immediate removal from their positions.. 🤔😐😒

  9. L M says:

    This is not about racism or police brutality. It’s a diversion, the Globalists are trying to take over the world. Please address their real intentions.

  10. matthew patrick says:

    Democrats will literally sacrifice our economy, our way of life, our freedom, our security, to try and get power back.

    Keep that in mind when you vote folks. The Democratic party will sacrifice your life, the life of your family, your job and home, if it means they can get power back.




  11. Reasoned Thinking says:

    I never cared:

    I never cared if you were “gay“ until you started shoving
    it in my face, and the faces of our children.

    I never cared what color you were, until you started
    blaming my race for your problems.

    I never cared about your political affiliation until you
    started to condemn me for mine.

    I never cared where you were born until you wanted to erase
    my history and blame my ancestors for your current problems.

    I never cared if you were well-off or poor, until you said
    you were discriminated against, when I was promoted because I worked harder.

    I never cared if your beliefs were different from mine,
    until you said my beliefs were wrong.

    Now I care! My patience and tolerance are gone. I’m not
    alone in feeling this way there are millions of us who do……and we have had
    enough!! TRUMP 2020

    Author unknown

  12. Diane Byers says:

    Please show photos of REAL BLACK LIVES that really do matter. The decent, spiritually respectful folks that died just because. THEIR lives mattered to me….white me!
    JESUS Christ, LORD. We have all lost our way. YOUR children are CAIN- I-nixing their own brothers and sisters.

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