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43 replies
  1. Kenneth Bailey says:

    I don't think they're so noble, I think they are antifasist and also terrorists thugs that ought to be completely removed from America and that goes for the radical left that support these POS.

  2. Lisa Marble says:

    The agenda is real! We know media is in on it! I am not afraid of the virus anymore,but about being a slave too this virus and the Elite Agenda! There will be a day when we will come together for the common good of humanity but then might be too late!Let's not loot, protest about I am green and you are magenta! If we ever needed too protest let's do it for all the rights that are being stolen from us right under our noses!! They are still changing the laws that protect us! If we don't start paying attention and really come together for the freedoms we stand for, the prayers we pray the and the family we love we are going too loose it for good!


    It SHOULDN'T be difficult to condemn the Violence of the last 7 months. By God though if you do in a public forum you get a great deal of push back, sometimes VIOLENT push back…..I really do WONDER. Where has Our Conciense of Mind gone in this Country? It certainly isn't with the DEMOCRATS

  4. Carlos Smith says:

    1: just look at the places you visited, who lives there and who runs those places. The cause is pretty obvious. . 2. Vote for law and order and it’s not that tough, just put out some fires and everything will be fine down the road.

  5. hermand. adams says:

    listen to this man the uk went through a simular stage over the last ten years up until 2019, the marxist socialists hog tied our government for six years until the people had had enough, your country is at risk from the same ideals, kick the loonie left out that will take your democratic constitution down and take your right to free speech away, we kicked them into the long grass in 2019 gone for years, they are now tearing them self's apart now,having kicked the last leader out of the party yesterday don't make the mistake of allowing these idealistic morons manipulate you into voting for them next week, the country will never recover from these evil and despicable idealistic terrorists help trump keep them away from your constitution

  6. jenn0802ifer says:

    So extremely sorry you had to see this country like this. We seem to have extreme idiots trying to take over our country. Trump will win and get this country under control.

  7. Chevy says:

    Even in Canada MSM (Global News) is reporting that Biden has a 10 point lead over Trump. I’m calling BS on that. If it wasn’t for the corrupt and bias MSM trying to hide Biden’s and the democrats criminality, Biden would be rendered ineligible to run. The whole scenario just reeks!!

  8. The Boss says:

    [ Editor’s note: Upwards of 30 or so Michigan families were destroyed today. Donald Trump is to blame. The victims are those terrorized by Trump’s acolytes but also those who are clearly mentally deficient like Kyle Rittenhouse and these young men as well. None were prepared for the propaganda onslaught wrought by the Kosher Nostra and Trump.

    Add to the list One America Network, Breitbart, Fox News, Epoch Times, Limbaugh, Hannity and, on a local basis, fake religious leaders and local political officials who have governed ‘outstate’ Michigan through militia gangs since the 1980s.
    veterans today dot com

  9. Kal says:

    💕 ThankQPresident Donald J.Trump for your continuing hard work, honesty, integrity, bravery and Patriotism, YOU + ARE + APPRECIATED!!!! DJT2Q2Q 💕

  10. Kor 82 says:

    A Vote for Trump is a vote against the Lying Mainstream Media Fake News.

    A Vote for Trump is a vote against Social Media Censorship.

    A Vote for Trump is a vote against the Violent rioters who are tearing apart our cities.

    A Vote for Trump is a vote against Defunding the Police.


  11. Redwoodimage says:

    Trump HAtes veterans he turn the veterans benefit into casino game, Under the new rules, passed in 2017, VA no longer has an expansive duty to assist requirement to serve veterans in securing their benefits once denied in most instances. The new appeals process turned a straightforward process into a menu of options mired in legalese that makes pro se veterans dependent on VSOs and attorneys for help. Many veterans will wind up being robbed of backpay they deserve if they are fortunate enough to properly address the errors in the appeals process.

  12. sheilaz stirling says:

    How is it possible that Biden is ahead when he cannot even draw a hundred people to his talks???? I think there is some very clever fraud going on!!! even Biden said so….they will steel this election if we let them…so much election fraud and interference going on even now!!!

  13. Evil Exposed says:

    Trump says: “We will keep the country open while protecting the most vulnerable”. Is that true? Find any vulnerable person (anyone over the age of 65 will do) and ask them what Trump is doing to protect them? The honest answers are: “I don’t know” or “nothing”. Just another Trump Lie! In fact, Trump is doing the opposite by not mandating masks in public areas and instead “down playing” (lying about) the usefulness of lock-downs and using masks as is evident in how other countries managed this pandemic. All the US had to do is lock-down for six weeks the affected regions to get a hold of the pandemic and almost everything could have returned back to normal starting in mid to end of February. Much fewer people would have died. Instead, the pandemic continues to rage and kill people MORE THAN EVER!!! The virus is alive in America and is being exported to other countries. Great America? Really? Just Embarrassing Right?

  14. Philos Johnson says:

    I used to be a dyed-in-the-wool lefty and what I’ve seen in the last year in terms of the lockstep groupthink and identity bullshit has changed my mind totally. I see Trump as a bulwark against the spineless capitulation and opportunism of the Democratic Party

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