
Watchdog group Accuracy in Media released an action alert calling on news outlets to use the term “riot.” One America’s Stephanie Myers spoke with the group’s president who explained the importance of this change.

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40 replies
  1. Tabac1959 says:

    Fiery; but, peaceful. The MSM apologetic term for BLM and Antifa mobs destroying cities and businesses. Welcome fellows Americans to socialism. Vote Democrat if you want more of the same.

  2. Stony Rerootkit says:

    A Riot is a Riot is a Riot!!! Does Shoot to Kill seem too extreme?🔨👻👽🆖
    More to the point, the beautiful woman in the Green top is an
    Outstanding looking creature!! 💜💙💛 💕Please keep her off of the street, in the studio,
    and away from those "Mostly Harmless" Protesters!😒😢😱👿💩💩💩🔥🔥💥

  3. TheHardRight Choice says:


    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
    NOT BURN S@$!# TO THE GROUND! They are domestic terrorists.

  4. Hank says:

    Peaceful demonstrations are now defined by looting, violence, and destruction of public and private property by CNN, MSNBC,ABC,NBC,CBS and several other "controlled media puppets"

  5. Songbird For Jesus says:

    What on Earth is she wearing? Loud bright tight top showcasing the boobs Totally totally unprofessional and inappropriate on so many levels and who could take her seriously wearing that outfit? Vegas, certain areas of town? How insecure is she? Unsubscribed because you let her go on the air like that. Not a family-friendly show

  6. joe dirt says:

    So many in the GOP have failed us in this most important time. They have shown themselves to be spineless cowards refusing to stand up to the lies of the democrats, media and their masters, blm. God help us the GOP is all we have standing between us and marxism. VOTE IN PERSON! VOTE TRUMP!

  7. ciss Vixen says:

    contact your congress please. say NO bailout for the media!! they clearly do no good to people, we no problem for them to close down. give the new news media their chance to grow. NO BAILOUT FOR THE LEFTIST CORRUPTED HARMFUL MEDIAS.

  8. gareth jordan says:

    200,110 covid deaths 6,786,204 covid cases and counting even after the WH took control of hospital data from the CDC and test centres being closed down, 1000 americans are dying every day from the Trump virus, 'it is what it is' says the impeached 'i dont take responsibility at all' bone spurs grifter of a president who is responsible for 40 million people being evicted from their homes due to his incompetence……….

  9. Perry Gerfen says:

    And do you REALLY think that MANY people knew about this pandemic last year? Biden said it on a news story in the 3rd quarter last year. Thinking it was July or August! Look it up! This was all planned to disrupt society and screw up the elections by instilling fear into e eryday citizens before the elections, because they no matter what they tried, they couldn’t get Trump out of OFFICE any other way! They would rather DESTROY AMERICA THAN LET TRUMP WIN ANOTHER TERM,

  10. john doe says:

    Damn. I always thought she was hot but this is I'm dressing up and taking you out to your favorite restaurant. Beautiful woman working for a great news outlet.

  11. SecondComingTwice says:

    Maybe the reply will be something like: "Because we're not just tools and minions of the evil cabal that has enslaved your minds, bodies, and souls – We're an integral part of it.
    So shut up and put your slave-mask on or the grandma gets it"

  12. GIT LIT says:

    when all the media is owned by the same people that are in bed together. this is what u get. a bias media. if u want to control the people. control what they see and hear. (Hitler 1930s)

  13. just me says:

    Thanks to OAN for doing what the MSM used to do. Congress has allowed these news outlets to be corrupted over the years and now are in bed with them. Some things can't be grouped together under big corporations or there can be nothing but corruption. Information is a very serious issue in this country and we need to hold all accountable for their reporting facts and not opinions no matter what party it's on. MSM should have to inform people that they are just another entertainment source and not really a news outlet anymore.

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