
The large field of Democrat contenders is slowly narrowing down, but what happens to the campaign funds of those who drop out? One America’s Elma Aksalic breaks it all down.

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20 replies
  1. JohnjacobsJHS says:

    Because Lizzy Warren is a liar and a fraud. Who's going to make sure she returns all of her campaign funds. You know she'll claim some kind of heritage so she can keep the money.

  2. pnsmith2001 says:

    There's no such thing as a honest Democrat!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not saying Republicans are perfect… bud damn look at the dems….foul play everywhere…..

  3. Anonymous says:

    Kamala youre a POS and nobody wants you to be President! You cant suck your way to the White House like you did to get allm of your jobs thus far!

  4. Gregory Campbell says:

    What's the scam? Under-report donations, drop out of the race, receive a "book deal," then use the un-reported money to buy your own books in bulk (like Bernie did).

  5. Julia Hightower says:

    Give it to a PAC then the PAC writes them a check for consulting. It’s now clean. See AOC. Oh yeah…..that investigation of her boyfriend never went anywhere.

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