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37 replies
  1. David Litchke says:

    A quote from Lord Salisbury, British PM 1889. The politics of the left is to loot somebody or something is the common object, under a thick varnish of pious phrases. So true then, today,and tomorrow. If all people look at all the facts, in a logical way, the democrats wouldn't get a single vote.

  2. Gabby Rios says:

    Has anyone from OAN tried to contact Dr. Etch Shaheen M.D.? He's the author of: Covid-19 Lockdown Unreported Truths Perspective. Its releash date is July 22nd. Apparently it has information about Covid19 which is contrary to the CDC (Dr. Fauci).

  3. Ric Rinehart says:

    I don't get this network locally here on my Comcast in Indianapolis but I currently seem to like that content and we need more networks like Fox News out there that actually report facts and the truth good or bad I just want the truth and I can't get it from CNN

  4. Brandon s says:

    Like all of the higher-ups are marxists! How do you describe yourself? " I am a queer Marxist!" "We are trained Marxist" Patrice Cullors co-founder of black lives matter BLM wake up people this is a coup not a conspiracy!! They've been saying things like this for a long time!! Also if you go to their site and you look at where their donations go they go right to the Democratic party! Are we really going to allow them to start a Socialist Party in the United States because they're talking about that right out in the open as well right on TV talking about how they want to start a Socialist Party

  5. Alex Brodie says:

    Am I the only person who has noticed that the MSM never reports on Trump's never EVER being convicted for either manslaughter or first degree murder?

  6. Larry Brooks says:

    Oan does nothing but cover this covid hoax. The buullshit wearing of masks !, distancing and shutting down or restricting business restrictions ! I have watched it change ! Whose side are you on. Damn covid hoax coverage does not line up with the data. Why dont you cover bill gates, fauci and do some real investigative work, gates paid to have the covid virus made and sprayed by our plavnes on us. Gztes is the flu season.

  7. Leafy Greens says:

    Very true about the hospitals, I know from experience…they are losing tons of money on elective surgeries. So, their answer is to pad the #’s of COVID deaths in order to receive the government payouts.

  8. Angela Ramirez says:

    Democrats now going full blown “anti-white” with their platform, claiming White people are evil and must be oppressed. The draft platform for the 2020 Democratic National Committee (DNC) has been released, and as you might expect it is filled with racist, anti-white rhetoric.

    No fewer than 15 times does this document reference “whites” in a negative context, in each case likening having white skin to “supremacy” or “nationalist” – as if supporting the viability and perpetuity of one’s own country is somehow “evil.”

    As explained by Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner, the DNC document is loaded with anti-white connotations, including the claim that all white people are “privileged” and live high on the hog “at the expense of others.”

    “In more than 80 pages in the draft platform published by Politico, whites are mentioned 15 times, all critical, including three references to white supremacy or supremacists and one to white nationalists,” Bedford writes.

    “In most mentions, the reference is to how whites are better off at the expense of others. And the promise often is to ‘close the gap’ between minorities and whites, though no solutions are offered,” he adds.

    Our guess is that Joe Biden will adopt some version of this DNC platform by the time he accepts his inevitable nomination later this year. In other words, Biden’s platform is sure to be an anti-white platform that props up blacks and browns while denigrating whitey.

    “If this is a legitimate draft, the fact that it’s merely a draft means nothing,” writes John Nolte for Breitbart News.

    “It still reveals how ugly the Democrat Party has become and how ugly and divisive the future will be, should this approach to national politics ever prevail.” (Dr. Leonard Coldwell, Aug. Newsletter)

  9. Erwin Lbj says:


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