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46 replies
  1. Mike d says:

    So "lockdowns" are like the new "climate change". To question it is to "deny science"; even though actual science tells a different story altogether. Ironically, the two great deceptions contradict each other in almost poetic ways. For example: the restaurant industry is now being encouraged (if not mandated) to employ "single use" equipment in order to safely serve customers. So a few months ago, using a straw was bad, but now everything, including flatware, napkins, and even menus must be disposable..

  2. Donna Jacobsen says:

    another Reason to WATCH @OAN a CREDIBLE News Source!
    I stopped MSM Years Ago, but sadly, there are so many BRAIN DEAD that watch the Soap Opera MSM 🙁

  3. Ed says:

    This virus is a hoax, created to bring down the global economy and have control over the people. Did any politician, especially the demon-crats got infected? did any of the main stream media ?

  4. Keith Mc says:

    You cherry pick one scientist who supports the opinion you are promoting and ignore the rest.

    Right now on a per capita basis, the USA has roughly twice as many covid-19 cases and deaths as Canada. Canada is going to remain mostly locked down and the border closed. Check back in a month and compare those numbers again.
    I am willing to bet my bottom dollar that the US cases and deaths will soar and Canada’s will drop.

  5. Jerry Mc says:

    The GOP(Government of Putin) and trumptards are trying to thin the heard of old, disabled, poor and poc's… check for yourselves the connection between Russia and OANN.

  6. edward mille says:

    There was a crooked man who lived a crooked life he was a crooked husband with the sometimes crooked wife he had some crooked children a son in law a louse they divided our great nation from a white and crooked house

  7. Mark Milligan says:

    The Deagel 2025 forecast predicted all these job losses and deaths* (*deaths if HRC had been POTUS)
    bill gates shouldn't be able to step foot in a village nevermind a city

  8. Claudia B. says:

    What amazes me is the high unemployment rate in California and Gobnah Nuisance wants to give 75M to illegals. That's a whole load of dirty toilet water for Americans

  9. P7 2017 says:

    I get that the CDC has been an almost-entirely politicized organization for quitea while, what I don't get is why they want to deliberately overinflate the danger posed by this virus. While it's been clearly demonstrated that they are forwarding the left agenda, are they really far enough down the path to the same kind of irrelevance the WHO has bought upon themselves, that they want to make everyone else lie, just to forward the cause of leftist control over daily life? Sad, that.

  10. Chris Riley says:

    I am usually 100% with Lizz, but about kids not transmitting the virus I gots call bullshit. Schools and daycares are a known breeding ground for all manner of sicknesses. I see no difference in the science, anything can transport a virus given the right conditions(.)

  11. Jerrod Taylor says:

    Yea calls that calls there giving it in flu shots that's why ain't know one knows where it comes from it's a shame that the political parties would poison the world over trump doing a wonderful job and job growth dam shame

  12. Thomas Red X Jackson says:

    PLEASE tell me the bleeding heartless late night talk lefties three haven't decided to come back together and spread their deadly TDS virus to a live audience yet..🎤..👊 They need to wait for a cure or vac first!!!❌🌐

  13. David Hefner says:

    How does a virus know how old you are? This is bullshit. They want adults to go back to work……daycare centers are going g to open back up.

  14. Sofia Layes says:

    We never heard this from the mainstream media. They hide everything not for us to know. Thank Liz for your honest report. Keep up the good work…

  15. Channel 28 TV says:

    This lock down never was about fake Covid19… It was about 5G and it's middle east investors! Millimeter waves are harmful but a.i. needs technology at high frequency and who cares about you Humans as long ad you're expendable and replaceable by robots. Laugh now… Watch and see what's rolling down your sidewalks soon and later pulling security. Robots don't complain and do as told. Say good bye to your job. You better start a plan B right now!

  16. Glena Dymond says:

    Nothing is mentioned about all the sick people on those cruise ships. That's different than a nursing home. The hospitals would have been over-ran if we didn't do anything. Hospital workers work so hard in doing their best for patients. All the patients that are tested positive for covid are put in a different unit than the rest of the patients to keep others are safe. Some of the comments are like a big slap in the face for those of us dealing with this.

  17. Joseph Ciampa says:

    Very well said !!! cnn, msnbc and the rest of you Clueless, Classless, Uneducated and Ugly Assholes can't even tie your shoes !!! You fail to report the Honest News !!! How do Assholes still have jobs !!! OAN Honesty and Very Well said; keep up the great work !!! Trump 2020 !! Semper Fi !!!

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