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29 replies
  1. mike cafano says:

    So Democrats that push abortion like Nancy.
    Literally killing a human. Then talk on the other there mouth say " WE NEED GUN CONTROL TO STOP OUR CHILDREN FROM BEING KILLED ". Democrat talking points.
    That's hypocrisy. Only mentally challenged people would push this.

  2. James Farley says:

    Do I need a lawyer, you tube has cut me off from conservative news for over a week . They make hard to talk with them. Tell them stop it , it against my 1th admenment rights.

  3. Keith Poindexter says:

    Can someone tell me why all the homeless in San Francisco are sculpting little sculptures of Nancy Pelosi Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer they're nice little sculptures they're made of this dark looking organic clay material they stink really bad until you let them cure in the Sun for a few days it's good to know that the homeless in Pelosi's neighborhood are starting to work making a living God bless all these artists living out there on the Streets of San Francisco

  4. Harpo says:

    Your information on Canada bill C-8 appears errant. The bill is designed to protect children from forced transitional therapy.

  5. lee Ware says:

    Obama Care all over again. They are literally trying to hurt us. Democrats wasted a week writing up the corona virus bill trying to leverage our crisis for political gain She waited til the last hour to vote to give it to the republicans and told them they would have to vote for it to see what was in it. They not only tried to add pro abortion act to give 1 billion dollars to them she also inserted a lift on the travel ban and take the power away from him so they can open our borders during this pandemic. There's much more like stopping Trumps payroll tax cut and rejected Trumps help to small businesses.Also excluded funding to the labs working on this virus. If people haven't figured out by now that they want to help China more than us they are living in a cave.

  6. Richard Dyer says:

    Thanks to President Trump calling you out today and saying that you (OAN) are very good to him I decided to search for you on YouTube. So glad I did! Thanks for letting your viewers know what is really going on in the world. MSM sucks

  7. Anthony Lee says:

    Canada is hopelessly phucked.
    Just like Venezuela.
    In a few years there will be a migration crisis on America's northern border. Millions of Canadians heading south in search of work, food and stability.
    Canada is not likely to recover from the economic downturn of the Wuhan flu and the drop in oil prices.

  8. Bobby Polfus says:

    Trump is going to abolish the elites drug. Adrenochrome, this is why they hate him.he's Wiping out their favorite drug. MS-13 kidnaps children for their drug maker.

  9. Mike Wurlitzer says:

    I only get the occasional OANN YT feed as I don't have cable TV. Have you covered the remarkable results from France by DR. Didier Raoult and Coronavirus and Chloroquine? Seems like he has found something EVERY news outlet should be reporting UNLESS like the MSM their is an agenda to not let this crisis go to waste.

  10. Pamela Goodman says:

    Planned Parenthood is trying to stay open so they can copyright stem cells of the babies they kill to make the vaccine. In addition the vaccine and microchip will be given to all willing and unwilling to protect us from the virus.

  11. Christopher Aderson says:

    Thank God for OAN, now scrap MSM That feed Chinese propaganda to the masses, only good thing about MSM is that now with Q and the Anons the MSM viewers have gone to these Anons for the truth news and there is very few that listen to MSM.

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