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50 replies
  1. Aurora0Australis says:

    Why do simple masks only reduce the risk of infecting others, but do not protect me? If a fellow human being coughs or sneezes on you directly, breathing masks can catch a large proportion of the droplets – but they do not provide reliable protection against infection because droplets enriched with viruses can penetrate the edges of the mask and through the material itself. Such masks can, however, prevent smear infection, as the wearer cannot reach his mouth and nose with dirty hands.

  2. can cell says:

    What they seem to be doing is incremental damage. After several stages of economic damage, crime and desperation will become so widespread that totalitarianism will thrive and take root.
    An unpleasant, undemocratic, unconstitutional system of government is lurking like A puma around unseen and will pounce on us as we allow OUR economy to be systemically destroyed.

  3. Dustin Merriman says:

    Want amazes me is how many people take this as a serious news outlet. Fox News is slanted to the far right and OAN makes them look like liberals. Wake up people and use your brains!

  4. Kris Whelan says:

    Theoretically, the virus would die out of it didn't continue to have a host. If everyone attacked this like a war declaration, it could work… Theoretically

  5. Maria Badillo says:

    These “scientists” creatures ( the chaparro and the scarf woman with dead eyes), have their own agenda: keep the President from being re-elected. He needs to get rid off of them as soon as possible.

  6. Truthreigns Facts says:

    Question: how would you know Faucce if there are “no new cases” since only the seriously affected are being tested? What we should test with a corruption meter is all the graft, extortion & out right corruption is going on between WHO, Marxist Media & governments beholden to the CCP.

  7. Maria Silva says:

    No I know why china wears masks everyday throughout the year, the people in China knows very well what the CCP is putting in the air….people there are so careful walking in the streets and anywhere…the people know

  8. Lechuga Cabra says:

    The psyche of Conservatives are so damaged that they can’t even focus on a life threatening pandemic because their president is so fragile. That is really really sad.

  9. tommy schuk says:

    Not sure where this lady has been getting her news, but I already new all this, some of it weeks ago. She seems to have misunderstood what was being said, because the little bit of truth she is saying is all misconstrued and mixed up with weird lies.

  10. Anthony Trzaska says:

    Fauchi is a political hack, fire him and his top staff. He has done nothing but to cost thousands of lives to our citizens because of his approaches and faulty analysis in responding to this. Retool his whole organization.

  11. Dan Rowley says:

    This is way you cannot trust politicians of any stripe. They ALL lie, shade the truth to one degree or another. Only craven (mean-spirited) Narcissist believe they are the end all to be all!

  12. Michael Sterling says:

    Someone takes the time (probably their paid job) to edit and post these videos. Why can't you also provide links to your data that has been researched, so we can also look at that? It would be so much more helpful with data to support the videos.

  13. Blakk Dwight says:

    MASKS ARE ineffective….. They keep you from being exposed to the virus and developing an appropriate immune response. YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM GERMS IDIOTS!

  14. Garrett Glass says:

    Is the ccp virus the only RNA virus? Would the antibody test ever give a false positive if sone has ever had flu or vaccine? The virus is a hoax of amalgamated diagnoses. More ominous is the intentional infection from contaminated tests. The cdc confessed this once. But if once why not expect it’s happened again? Herd immunity is one excuse they may use to justify intentional infection. Ultimately it’s about control.

  15. vplan says:

    yes – lets wear slave masks for the rest of our lives since they are so effective… or we are going to eradicate viruses completely? Can it get any more stupid?

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