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41 replies
  1. Hill C says:

    The demorats want power . Every time the demorats resist, the more the demorats lose. I'd say to the demorats to keep resisting and keep losing more followers .

  2. David McBride says:

    Oh boy- that school is lucky the parents don't go down there and linch the Head Master.
    I would be filing indervigal law suits against that vile head Master if I where those poor parents.
    Corruption of children is what Democratics socailist/Communist sickos do.
    Yep, sue them and tie all these sickos in lawsuits.

  3. Aisha Mohammed says:

    The state training children and taking away rights from their own parents! The state! Take back your rights people! Get involved in local government! Stop being soooo lazy!

  4. ToIsleOfView says:

    I am happy you point the finger at the MSM but the real evil is in the judges and prosecuters of our nations laws. The laws are there to protect children but they are not being enforced because the judges refuse to allow evidence into the public courtroom that would convict. Back room deals are offered so the crimes never go to public court. Another huge problem is the lack of juries in many court cases. Many court cases (family court) are tried by judges without juries. It's unconstitutional but they get away with it because the lawyer class is owned by the BAR and lawyers who buck the system will be unofficially limited in their ability to bring law suits and evidence into court. It's coruption of the worst kind and the MSM is promoting it with their lack of journalism. History is repeating what it did in the dark ages of persecuting heretics. And socialism is being offered as the new "progressive equality". Lies & corruption are all that remains of Godly liberty.

  5. Mike P says:

    Worst state ever. State-funded child abuse. If a child thinks he a lizard, you don't dye it green and bifurcate the tongue. You understand that it is normal for kids to want to be something different when they are young and that change and experience are part of life. These adults need to be charged with psychologically damaging children. Nobody in their right mind would condone this. "Mommy, I want to be a Unicorn!" Mother- injects child with ketamine. sows horn to the child's forehead. Hammers metal shoes to their feet. Democrats to Mother- "She's so courageous."

  6. Heather M. says:

    It’s nobody’s business or right to push any ideas onto you or our kids. Parents should sue these schools and protest. I knew in the 1990s that this world was going down the toilet with bunch of bull crap crazy stuff…but didn’t think it was gonna get this crazy. Guess thats what happens when insane asylums are closed down and bunch of crazies are running loose. Wow.

  7. mongo revera says:

    we most strengthening our laws, our leaders, is taking the country apart, they have no more respect for the laws, that they enforce on us. they are taking everything we have, and they are molding everything, on their one ways, we most petition, to take all the powers of away from these leaders. these don't look like politics anymore, it looks like the start of a revolution instead. it must be corrected before is too late, it is overwhelming already.

  8. joey cottone says:

    They learn a whitewashed version of Islam. Gay sex Ed, white privilege, social justice, climate change protesting. But they have extremely low numbers in math and English.

  9. Stan Childs says:

    Parents need to pull their kids out of that school district, vote in new board members, and if that doesn’t work, burn down the schools. Nuff already.

  10. Carmella DeGregorio says:

    I can't fucking handle this, educating kids about trans history and issues isn't "pushing an agenda". Not telling their parents is simply protecting those children from the parents that mistreat their kids for this kind of thing. The kid will tell their parents when they are ready and the school is doing their part to protect them by letting the kids do that at their own pace. Young children and teens get abused and ridiculed by their parents for being lgbt, and it can cause lifetime mental damage. I don't understand how sick you have to be to want to stand against something trying to prevent that future for these kids.

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