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46 replies
  1. traczebabe says:

    I’ve never once seen anyone mention that the test given for COVID-19 is a test that only detects A VIRUS. Any virus! So everyone with a cold, flu, bronchitis etc…are all recorded as Covid-19. There is no distinction in the testing.

  2. Bad Matt says:

    So, the mother in the beginning of this report hates men so much, that she hates her son.
    If the mother has custody, the son will commit suicide when he becomes an adult.

  3. eric sosa says:

    I dare anyone to fact-check anything OAN says! Aren't these so-called truth seekers? Yet they make more fake news than any real news organization! Face it, the conservative ideology has been nothing but lies! It took a black man to fix the problems of the white man and now you give all the credit to the orange fat ass? What the hell is the matter with you people?
    The bottom line is that Trump has been president for 4 years, what promises has been kept? It is a fact that the United States is in a worse position than when he inherited a healthy economy, just like he inherited a healthy bank account! 🤭But you still think he's self-made and you still think he's a great leader! It is the entitled mindset of the fake conservative ideology that will be the downfall of this country! But go ahead, keep listening to Daddy's little princess who never had a real job a day in her life! These fools spend more time talking about Obama than the person who is actually the President! That should be a little hint to you suckers! By the way, if you were "winning" then why so much WHINING,? 4 years of constant bickering from The winning Side?
    And yes I'll ask again, what exactly was Donald Trump calling a "hoax" in January of 2020? How do you fools find your way home at night?
    Oh wait, the horse face gets Daddys limo service! This woman and her family do not represent real Americans! She's a typical snot-nosed brat! You think she actually ever worked a part-time job to put herself through college? Her daddy's pool house is bigger than most of your homes that you raise your family in! And this is who represents you and your interest? Only if you are a sheep!

  4. dave redford says:

    Cherry picking stories much? This is not a msm issue….bet the media in the area carried this story as all do. Really hate the tone 0f such flagrant strawman issues being pushed.

  5. ME says:

    Dont you find it interesting Trump is treating the pandemic as if it disappeared? Every legitimate source says over 1,000 people are dying every day. Call any major hospital and ask them the truth on the pandemic. I did. It is NOT fake news. Our medical professionals are stressed to the limit. THIS is Amerika under Trump.
    We can do better than this. We are better than this.

  6. James Bridges says:

    The leftist brushes a lot under the rug..A lot of lies and deceitful ways to get the American people to do whatever they want .They are clever never underestimate the Democrats. They've killed presidents in the past to get what they want. Nothing off limits as long as there are patsies to be stupid enough to get involved with the I get rich . OH WAIT, BANG, damn the patsies dead too!! Uh yeah!!

  7. Vicky Shaw says:

    I heard about this the other day. Who is so warped to let anyone do this to a child? They need to be removed from the bench. 😡 That was not an impartial judgement it was a total personal bias not with the good of the child first.

  8. allaredumb says:

    A crackhead mom,literally btw, got custody of a one year old over my drug and alcohol free , have a job friend. Only took one week to leave him in a car outside the crackhouse , took a year to reverse court decision.

  9. Arko 2 seven says:

    Outrageous. Why is my Texas being ruined. I have an advanced degree in human behavior and social welfare. That is child abuse on the parent and negligence on the judge. This is highly unethical

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