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33 replies
  1. Lynda Vance says:

    We know yet another person didn't do what the police told them to do. And didn't they have a weapon? Wasn't a baby in the car? And isn't it a fact that More whites are killed by police than blacks in this country?

  2. TaRaKhE NiGhT says:

    Blake was given every chance to do the smart thing an surrender. The police officers are not the who escalated the situation. The police officers did everything they could to subdue him with the minimum force possible. He resisted arrest and continued to resist arrest. When he entered the vehicle obviously reaching for something Blake escalate the situation to far. With children and civilians around the officers had to step up their use of force level to lethal. Even so, they did not kill him. If they had intended to kill him, he would be dead. He gave them plenty of reason to use deadly force. He gave them no choice in the matter to protect themselves and the bystanders in the area. He forced their hands. His being shot is a direct result of his actions and refusal to surrender. If he would have surrendered to the police officers he would be sitting in a jail cell and not laying in a hospital bed. Another point, even if his purpose was to enter the vehicle and not to reach for a weapon, once he entered the car the car itself could be used as a deadly weapon. His being shot is a direct result of his actions not the police officers desire to kill him. In fact the lengths that the officers went to, to restrain Blake before they used deadly force shows that the use of deadly force was used as a last resort.

  3. Jason Bowring says:

    Yet another stunning example of police going straight for their gun. Whats wrong with a taser or other non lethal? 7 shots in the back is a complete disgrace. If that is how your police are trained no wonder there is so much resentment towards them.

  4. Larue77 says:

    Why are there only five civilians killed by police in UK but a thousand in the US? I’m not saying the police are corrupt here, I just think we can probably think of a way to dramatically reduce the number. And we should. I have a suggestion. Reduce the number of things which are illegal. If we decriminalized drugs, as some countries like Portugal have done, there would be no drug gangs, no need for police to arrest drug dealers. Let nurses deal with drug users, not cops. The experience of Portugal suggests decriminalizing drugs doesn’t make things worse, it makes them better. A bigger safety net might reduce tensions between husbands and wives, reducing domestic violence. Cops get killed dealing with domestic violence. Child care subsidies might reduce tensions in poor families. Can’t we find some solutions together on this?

  5. William Jones says:

    So the guy has a record of violent behavior and had a complaint against him of domestic abuse, then acted suspiciously, was non compliant, reached into the car for something and the cops reacted. Got it.
    When you sum it all up, it's no wonder they guy got shot. But 7 times seems a bit much.
    And was a gun retrieved from the car, that he may have possibly been reaching for?
    That would be interesting to know.

  6. Pete A says:

    Breakin news from CNN: suspect know to be a fervent student of The Bible. He attends church weekly. Knowledgable friends have reported to CNN that the suspect is an extraordinarily generous and kind person. He hands cookies and milk out to schoolchildren and finds homes for abandoned puppies. "Is that the truth, or did you hear that on CNN?"

  7. Kimberly Howard says:

    Ya don’t know what the guy was going after if it was a gun, the guy should of not went into his car like that, he should of followed directions. I agree the guy put his own life at risk, the cop was acting on training.

  8. Frank says:

    🇺🇸🇺🇸TRUMP 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸
    🇺🇸🇺🇸TRUMP 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸
    🇺🇸🇺🇸 2nd AMEND 🇺🇸🇺🇸
    🇺🇸🇺🇸TRUMP 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸

  9. hal chesnut says:

    This is not a game the police play!! They have the right to defend them selves and the criminals know this when they make moves to pull out a gun. This game has no fowls
    and the Police have the right to shoot anyone that even looks like they are reaching for a
    gun. Any delay it could be them that is shot. Most shootings are from people with criminal back ground and should know better!!! I personally cannot hold the police responsible for a shooting from a violent known criminal!!! Keep in mind if and when when someone is arrested they need to be co operative it is not a game being played lives depend on it!!

  10. Tommy Shoemaker says:

    It's pretty obvious that utube doesn't want anyone watching this video. They marked it as inappropriate. If anything on utube is inappropriate it's Utube themselves!

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