
The White House finds itself battling not just the outbreak of COVID-19, but CNN and others fanning the disinformation flames. One America’s Chanel Rion has more from the White House.

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44 replies
  1. homer randall says:

    And you Channel, was the one Trump gave props to in the earlier Press Conference. As long as the anti American agencies like CNN ABC, NBC MSNBC and others continue to "Misreport" lie and do anything and everything to damage the President and our economy, we will stay in a constant state of turmoil. Aren't things bad enough without this type of bullshit??

  2. John Smith says:

    Democrats and MSM ALWAYS have "unamed sources" as a way to spread their lies.

    It's about time "unamed sources" are identified, but they will never be because they don't exist.

    Anyone can start a lie and make up false accusations and then hide behind the excuse of "unamed source".

    Subpoena these "unamed sources" and let's question them under oath.

  3. Richard Crossley says:

    It time, its more important now to understand that these hacks at the white house must be taken out. Why don't you give al-Qaeda a camera in mic what's the difference they are the enemy to America and the president. Cleanup the white house press scub.

  4. Gregg Mhire says:

    From CNN: anonymous sources tell us CNN is a known source of fear mongering, panic inciting, leftist propagandizing lies bent on hateful rhetoric….

  5. tru24 68pom says:

    Only way to stop cnn is to prosecute thier leader….. Obama and the Clinton foundation. Cnn needs to be off the air they are nothing but fake news. The dems are americas enemy. Open ur eyes america.

  6. cavtj1 says:

    OAN, I love that you are here and reporting factual news but please get rid of the last 18 seconds of all your video's. Maybe it's just me but I always look where that "Wanna see more video's like this" starts so I know where to stop the video. That part won't make me stop viewing your video's but it is a little annoying. JMO! Chanel, always great to hear from you.

  7. Felita Tiu says:

    Need CNN , all it’s crinues get arrested for causing more chaos, anxieties thru their misleading , deceptive news ! Arrest them all regardless of race, color, age, health , status & prestige ! TIME TO TAKE DEMONIC INFKUENCES, NEGATIVITY OUT FOR GOOD ! Can’t do curfew- be unfair for innocent homeless ppl ( seniors, Veterans) being neglected by many coz busy prioritizing illegal aliens, unfit welfare teen mom e Hoth g housing, ebt but never contribute to community ! Lockdown isn’t only way to solve the issue it solely too can bring mental, emotional & financial traumas & anxieties ! Should GO W/ THE FLOW OF LIFE ! Preventive measures is fine, but lockdown of businesses like 24 fitness where ppl get to enjoy should be one’s choice coz it’s helps too -mentally & emotionally too !

  8. Bruce Borowski says:

    that's right pull their liscense……………….. YESTERDAY you bunch of phucking bytches……………why do we have to listen to the mainstream media and pay their wages………..

  9. Matthew Lewis says:

    So they pull the business license of Game Stop for staying open and selling video games, but no one will put these propaganda machine's like CNN, msnbc, and the like on notice for spreading fear and lies in this country. Pull their broadcasting license already. It's no surprise really though when you have traitors in our government like Pelosi who wants to impeach the president for supposedly withholding aid to Ukraine, but then she and her fellow dumbass democrats literally withhold aid to their own country and are allowed to still be apart of this country's government.

  10. Isaac Davis says:

    This is basically CNN saying one thing, the WH saying the opposite. At this point, I don't believe either. The WH has been so full of shit and lies, videotaped lies and shit, that you can't believe a damn thing they say either.

  11. technoway says:

    This might be a valid complaint, but this is one-sided. Most disinformation about the coronavirus has come from the President.

    Most of the things the President says in this video were known to be false at the time. Unfortunately, some of his supporters believed them.

    For just one example, in the statement on Feb. 26, 2020, Trump said 15 people in the United States were infected with COVID-19, but 60 (61?) people were infected then, and much more importantly, it wasn't going down to zero in two days like he claimed. The number of people infected was growing exponentially in the U.S., and it was definitely known that the number of infected people was increasing.

    You'll easy spot other statements that were known to be false at the time.

    Trump Coronavirus Calendar (video)


    OAN is biased.

  12. UTQT Warriors says:

    Let me just say that conservative women are amazing. You can tell they are more balanced and peaceful than the loony left. It’s like night and day when you compare chanel rion to the other reporters. She is the hope of true reporting.

  13. Paul Prejean says:

    OAN has no journalistic integrity. I saw a "quote" where one sentence from a quote from one year was added to another sentence from another quote from a different year.

    These were then presented as one quote on with no citation and passed off as if these things were said or written together.

    Having an option is one thing but manufacturing and manipulation of records to push an agenda of misinformation is appalling.

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