
The White House Correspondents Association is scrambling to maintain control over the briefing room as years of lying and false reporting finally catch up to them. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.

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31 replies
  1. Herb Roberts says:

    Pearson Sharp great reporting as usual from a great Network "OANN". I have great respect for you since your expose on the "White Hats" in Syria. And how thanks to Obama the Americans where funding the same people we went there to kill. And the manufactured gas attacks on the people of Syria. Still most Americans don't know how duped we were as a country.

  2. Herb Roberts says:


  3. Barry Thomas says:

    Maybe President Trump should replace some of those seats with tolite seats. Most of those news are crap anyways.. CNN. ABC. CBS, MSNBC. And more

  4. sharp mind says:

    TRUMP 2020 !!! That's all I have to say !!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  5. J WILTON says:

    Where would they find any real reporters to fill those seats? I think there are some actual citizen journalists who deserve to be taking Acosta’s seat since he has no appreciation for the privilege. The same holds true for every main stream jag-off that sets horrible examples. I say get rid of them all and put some real citizen journalists in there so we can have some real questions asked and finally get some actual news reporting instead of the steady diet of MSM bullshit.
    I’d love to hear Praying Medic or the guys from X22, SGT reports or Amazing Polly or Dana Ashlie be able to have their questions answered because their questions are my questions.
    I would have no problem if I never heard from Jim Acosts-us or Fredo Cuomo—not that he would ever be allowed in anyway. All those lying douchebags should be on street corners selling papers and not allowed anywhere near the White House of the President.

  6. J WILTON says:

    Actually I would allow the lying traitors from MSM in but they would have to wear an armband that said Fake News or had a Swastika or some other emblem for professional liars. Otherwise, screw then all just like they have been screwing is over for decades.

  7. richard isner says:

    Got to protect the libtard mouth pieces. The disrespect shown to the President is just outrageous. If a reporter acted like that towards Obama the other reporters would be all over the news screaming about how disrespectful to Obama

  8. Troy Ezell says:

    OAN keep shining the light on those little roaches that call themselves "news media". Right now they're scurrying about like cockroaches because the lights have been turned on. Soon they will be doing the "dead cockroach"

  9. M W S says:

    All they are is a group of whiny little children, there is room for everyone.
    They wonder why the public doesn't trust the main stream media.

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